realty-investor-timeline / rules/hold-rule-types / HoldRuleTypes

Enumeration: HoldRuleTypes

Defined in: rules/hold-rule-types.ts:1

Enumeration Members


MinSellIfHighEquityPercent: "minSellIfHighEquityPercent"

Defined in: rules/hold-rule-types.ts:14

this rule states if you have high equity capture, then you’d like to sell it. This is like Unrealized Capital Gain


MinSellIfLowCashFlowPercent: "minSellIfLowCashFlowPercent"

Defined in: rules/hold-rule-types.ts:9

this rule states that if you have a low cash flow %, then you’d like to sell it


MinSellInYears: "minSellInYears"

Defined in: rules/hold-rule-types.ts:19

this rule states if you reach an x number of years, then you’d like to sell it


None: "none"

Defined in: rules/hold-rule-types.ts:5

no rule