realty-investor-timeline / time/simulate / ISimulateOptions

Interface: ISimulateOptions

Defined in: time/simulate.ts:27



amountInSavings: number

Defined in: time/simulate.ts:31

this is what you have saved up currently to invest in


optional generatorOptionsPassiveApartment: IGenOptions

Defined in: time/simulate.ts:75


optional generatorOptionsSingleFamily: IGenOptions

Defined in: time/simulate.ts:73


optional hasMetGoalOrMaxTime: HasMetGoalOrMaxTime

Defined in: time/simulate.ts:71

This is how the system knows when to quit. If no value is supplied, it will use defaultHasMetGoalOrMaxTime.


holdRules: IRule<HoldRuleTypes>[]

Defined in: time/simulate.ts:51

a system to determine how to hold onto the properties the longest. This scenario says as long as it meets 1 rule


loanSettings: ILoanSetting[]

Defined in: time/simulate.ts:46

loan basics about you. For example, if you have a great credit, you’ll probably have a low interest rate. so that’s 3%. With rentals, you are 1% higher, so make it 4%.


optional maxYears: number

Defined in: time/simulate.ts:66

how long should this run in years? A common number is 25 to 30 years before giving up.


monthlyIncomeAmountGoal: number

Defined in: time/simulate.ts:36

What you want to get to for cash flow. This has been monthly expenses for many.


monthlySavedAmount: number

Defined in: time/simulate.ts:41

After your paycheck you would take your excess and save it. Here is that amount.


purchaseRules: IRule<PurchaseRuleTypes>[]

Defined in: time/simulate.ts:56

This is how to prioritize the properties that come up. Use one, or use all rules! The order you put them in here, is the order it evaluates them as. PurchaseRuleTypes for possible rules


optional startDate: Date

Defined in: time/simulate.ts:61

when does this start?